Cockroaches Pest Control
Cockroaches Pest Control
We remove cockroaches in Essex quickly and efficiently
If you’re looking for cockroaches pest control in Essex, then Ben’s Bugs can help, providing quick and efficient pest control for your home or business.
To find a cockroach in your home or business can be worrying and a cause for concern!
Cockroaches not only damage your health but reputation as well as it is considered a sign of an unhygienic space.

Why we control cockroaches
All types of cockroaches pose a direct health risk to humans as vectors of disease and can carry a number of diseases such as salmonella, E.Coli and dysentery to name a few which is why it is so important to have a cockroach infestation treated immediately by a professional. Cockroaches move from sewers, drains into buildings and human habitats. This means that when they’re in your building, searching for food and water, they will contaminate everything they come into contact with such as food, utensils and preparation areas. Out of all common pests, Cockroaches are one of the most difficult to eradicate due to their ability to breed rapidly.
Types of Cockroach Found Mainly in the UK
- German Cockroach
- Oriental Cockroach
- American Cockroach
- Brown Banded Cockroach
Fun Facts
- Cockroaches can live up to 1 week without a head
- They have been around since the age of the dinosaur
- They can survive without food for 1 month, but will die after 1 week without water
Ben’s Bugs has the experience as well as the professional products and insecticides which are strong enough to treat against all stages of their life cycle.
Call us today to get those cockroaches gone!