Bee Nest Removal
Bees Pest Control
We provide quick and efficient bee nest removals in Essex
At Ben’s Bugs, we love Bees and we will do everything to re-home Bees without harm. Our bee nest removal services are quick and efficient whilst ensuring that the safety of the bees and our engineers.
Although Bees aren’t protected, they are extremely endangered and it is our policy to protect them as much as possible.

If you come across the beautiful honey bee, call our bee keeper friends in to take a look. If you notice a swarm in your garden, don’t worry they are just resting en route to find a new home.
However, if they are there for more then 2-3 days or you notice a nest forming please visit: BBKA

Types of Bees:
Early bumblebee – a small species, which can be seen as early as April or May, the Early Bumblebee has a red tail which varies in hue with the yellow abdominal stripe
Red-tailed bumblebee – a common sight in the UK, queens and workers are jet-black, with a bright red tail covering up to 50% of the abdomen.